Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

November 22-24
1st Period-Basic Algebra
Group 1:
Monday:Objective: TLW solve problems resulting in fractions greater than 1. Interactive Text: p. 339-341 Homework: p. 552
Tuesday:Objective: TLW use fraction bars to find errors in subtraction of fractions. Interactive Text: p. 342-344 Homework: p.557
Wednesday:Objective: TLW identify common denominators to add or subtract fractions. Interactive Text: p. 345-347 Homework: p. 562

Group 2:
Monday:Objective: TLW review the properties of numbers. Interactive Text: p. 283-285 Homework: p. 449
Tuesday:Objective: TLW review the important ideas associated with triangular numbers, exponents, common multiples, and the LCM Interactive Text: p. 286-289
Wednesday:Objective: TLW understand the relationships between triangular and square numbers and use exponents to show repeated multiplication. Test: p. 91-94

2nd Period:
7th Grade:
Monday:TLW replace weak nouns with exact nouns. P. 86
Tuesday:TLW Identify common and proper nouns, identify concrete and abstract nouns, and identify collective and compound nouns. p. 88-89
Wednesday:TLW Identify common and proper nouns, identify concrete and abstract nouns, and identify collective and compound nouns. p. 88-89

8th Grade:
Monday:TLW identify negative words, and rewrite sentences to avoid using double negative. P. 210-212
Tuesday:Review negatives WS TLW distinguish good, bad, sure, and real as adjectives and well, badly surely, and really as adverbs. P. 213-215
Wednesday:Review good, bad, sure and real. WS TLW replace exciting and very with other modifiers. P. 216 and WS

3rd Period:
5th Grade Reading:
Monday:TLW access prior knowledge, draw inferences, note details, and make predictions. Lesson 54 Phonics Skills Explode the Code Lesson 8
Tuesday:TLW spell words containing suffixes and final e, follow written directions, identify characters, and note details. Lesson 55 Phonics Skills Explode the Code Lesson 8
Wednesday:Progress Monitor: DIBELS, Lexia Phonics. Phonics Skills Explode the Code Lesson 8

3rd Grade Reading:
Monday:TLW learn vocabulary faded, tumbled, drifted, learn new vocabulary sentence, and compare. Lesson 55
Tuesday:TLW learn vocabulary fronds, coconuts, ankles, and outcome, and will practice deduction. Lesson 56
Wednesday:TLW learn vocabulary contest, attach, echoed, and explained, compare and learn a new vocabulary sentence. Lesson 57

.4th Period: Jr. High Reading/Math
Monday:Multiplication and Division of Fractions.
Tuesday:Students will assess using CBM.
Wednesday:Multiplication and Division of Fractions

6th Period: Jr. High Math
Monday:One Minute Timing p. 281 Probability: Box and Whisker Plots TLW interpret and construct box-and-whisker plots. WB 120, Activity 113
Tuesday:One Minute Timing p. 281 Probability: Data Gathering on the Computer. CBM Math Probes
Wednesday:One Minute Timing p. 281 Probability: Data Gathering M&M's